Kaiya Annmarie was born at 12:29 pm. She weighed 8 pounds 6 and 3/4 ounces.
She was a pudgy, beautiful, dark haired babe. She instantly became my entire world and the reason I get out of bed every morning.

Today is Kaiya's 2nd Birthday. Holy crap! I cannot believe it has been 2 years already. I feels like yesterday I was pregnant and waiting anxiously for her to come. Oh wait, I am pregnant and waiting anxiously for a baby to come, just not Kaiya.
Although it feels like yesterday that we were waiting for her, it also feels like she has been with us forever. I cannot even remember what life was like without a child. How boring it must of been. Now that she is a full blown toddler I have forgotten what it is like to have a baby. I love the fact that she can now tell us what she did during the day, how she is feeling and what she would like for dinner. I love that she has a mind of her own and that she comes up with crazy ideas and talks about things that I had no idea she even knew existed (like an octopus).
Kaiya can now say comeplete sentences and has a word vocabulary beyond that of which we can count. She is potty trained and has started learning to count (she can count to 3 and with help can get up to 5).
She struggled with the names of colors, but loves to tell you all about animals. Everyday when we come home she races for her flash cards and will either pretend to be the teacher and test me on what the picture is or has me test her. She knows them all but can get stuck on the robot from time to time.
She has grown so much in the last 2 years and has become a beautiful little girl inside and out. I cannot wait to see who she will become in the future and how much of me or Blair she has inherited, so far I see A LOT of me in her with her stubborness, poop talk and endless energy.
Happy Birthday my beautiful god daughter!!!! Can't wait to see you!!