Friday, March 30, 2012

A visit to the vet

The best doggie ever and oh so handsome.

On wednesday I took Nanook into the vet for his yearly vaccinations. It is a bitter sweet experience every year. I hate taking him in because he gets so scared and fidgety but I love taking him because I get so much praise and my head swells to the size of a hot air balloon. As soon as I pulled him out of the car he took one look at the building and jumped right back in. Poor guy. He does have a clean bill of health though and the doc was singing my praise with how beautiful his coat is, how fit he was and most importantly how he was such a good boy.
I hummed and hawed over getting him the kennel cough vaccine. At first I immediatley said no, not needed. Then after speaking with the vet I decided it was a necessary precaution to take. Nanook doesn't spend a lot of time around other dogs but why take the chance that it may make him sick or worse, make another dog sick that isn't as healthy as he is, so I added the kennel cough vaccine to the cocktail. $130.00 later and we are good to go till November when his rabies shots are due, pennies compared to the love he has to give us in return.

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