Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Last weekend was Thanksgiving in Canada, it's a great excuse to get together with family, eat turkey and be thankful for the things in your life (even though you really should be thankful everyday). Not too much happened in our little household. We ate lots, visited lots and I got a little bit of a chemical burn on my face. Haha didn't see that one coming did you!

Friday night Blair and I had a much needed date night. When we were waiting for a table at a local restaurant/bar we decided to hit up the pharmacy next door for some much needed bathroom things. I picked up band-aids and a new face wash. We have been using Clearasil for the past few years but the pharmacy we went to didn't have any so we decided to try something new. We picked a product that has the same medical ingredients (and strength) in it as Clearasil, and it is a well known brand. I used it twice on Saturday and on when I woke on Sunday my face was slightly red and irritated so I stopped using it. By Monday it was worse. This morning I woke up and it is bright red, swollen and so sore that I cannot even wear makeup. I am at a loss as to what to do. See a Doctor? Use a different moisturizer? Stop using Moisturizers (it is very dry). I am just so uncomfortable :(

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