Monday, March 1, 2010

Tribute to Nanook

I have spent the entire day reflecting on how close of a call it was to losing one of the most important member of my family. He is my little boy, the one who will always be there for me. He listens when no one else will, he snuggles when no one else can and he will never tell me that I am not welcome in their family, that I am a terrible person, or that I am not worth anything. He is my constant, my glue in life and I am dreading the day I will have to say goodbye. Everyone knows that their pet will one day leave them, I am not ready to have a life without Nanook. I will never put him jeopardy again.


  1. There's nothing like a pet to make you feel unconditionally loved!!! I'm so happy Nanook is safe at home with you.

  2. Awwwww. This made me tear up a little. So sweet. He is such an amazing dog!

  3. Oh my gosh. You scared me so much. As soon as I saw the title I thought something really bad happened. After I read all the way down I understood but shish woman don't do that!!

    He is such a beauty and I am sure he loves you and Blair just as much!!

  4. Sorry!! I really didn't mean to scare you. haha
