Thursday, June 14, 2012

Elodie at 7 months

She has blossomed into her own little person. She is still a sweet little doll but now a little attitude is starting to show. She lets me know when she doesn't want something, or when I am too far away, not paying enough attention to her etc. etc. She isn't as content with playing by herself but she is so much easier to entertain (she thinks I am hilarious). 

Since 6 months Elodie hasn't hit many new milestones. She is very close to crawling, although she looks as though she may be a bum scooter (which I think is awesome, Blair not so much. He thinks that this may somehow cause bum rashes). She is doing great with solids. One cute thing that she has started doing is Peek-A-Boo. She pulls her blanket over her head to hide, leaves it there for a moment just to pull it down again and waits for you to say peak-a-boo! This makes her squeal. She is still not sleeping longer than 3 hours at a time but I am praying that 8 months is her magic sleep number.

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