Friday, April 9, 2010

One sick babe

SO for the past few days our whole family has been fighting a really nasty cold. Sore throats, dripping noses, fevers, aches and pains you name it we've got it. Babe especially has been hit hard with this one. Yesterday her fever (her very first which is so scary) was bouncing around from the high 38's to the low 39's. She is a mess, fussy beyond belief, not sleeping and not letting me put her down. This morning she woke up with discharge coming from her left ear... yuck!! So now to add to her cold and fever, we have an ear infection. Hi - Ho... off to Urgent care we go!


  1. That's horrible! Baby's should never be sick, it's too sad.

  2. Awe! That is terrible for all of you, especially Kaiya!
    Hope you guys feel better!
