Heck I knew going into this motherhood thing that it was going to be very difficult. Well it is! I am struggling with a lot of things as of late. Lack of sleep, she is up 3-5 times a night now and still not napping well during the day. The lack of me time is starting to drain me as well. I feel like I am tethered to my babe and I have absolutely no time to go out, or even sit at home and do the things that I love (crochet, sew, cook, read) to de-stress. I feel like my bottled up frustration from dealing with the difficulties of mommy hood are starting to wear me out.
Here is a break down of my day...
8-10: wake up, get babe, change her feed her and make a coffee. Tummy time, sitting time, standing time, play, play, play, repeat till she gets too fussy to soothe and starts rubbing her eyes.
10: change her, put her brace on, rock her and put her in her crib for a nap.
10-10:30: Spend half an hour shushing, and calming her while she screams her pretty head of cause she doesn't want to sleep.
10:30-11 : Mommy spends half an hour crying and or recuperating from the stressful, frustrating and emotionally draining ordeal of having to put Kaiya down for a nap.
11: Kaiya is up from her nap.... yup half an hour later. Grouchy and tired yet still not wanting to sleep.
11-12 feed change, tummy time, sitting time, standing time, play, play, play, repeat till she gets too fussy to soothe and starts rubbing her eyes.
12: Blair comes home for lunch, I make him lunch while he plays with Babe.
1: Blair returns to work and I start the nap process again. *See between 10-12 for the rest of the afternoon.
5-7: Blair returns home, I walk Nanook, make supper, do the dishes, feed, play and take care of babe in the process (Blair unwinds from the day and catches up on his video games, with some Kaiya playing in the middle)
7: start bedtime routine that goes a lot like the nap return but with jammies and a story, and a bath every 3rd night. But the screaming usually remains.
8-11 Laundry, cleaning, playing with Nanook, unwinding and the occasional beer. sigh, it was a long day.
9: Soothe Kaiya back to sleep
11: Kaiya is up for the first feed of the night, my cue to feed her and then go to bed myself.
2: either soothe or feed babe
3: feed babe if not fed at 2. change her and then listen to her play/fuss in her crib till 4 (in which time you have to get up and soothe her once again)
6: Soothe her
8: up again for the day.... repeat above.
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